Hello everyone, My name is Joris, a Dutch Computer Science student at TU Delft Specializing in Computer Graphics.


In 2020 I graduated highschool Cum Laude, finishing with four 9 out of 10s for Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

I’ve completed my BSC Computer Science and Engineering at TU Delft in 2023, with a 9.5 out of 10 for my final thesis. That same year I started my Masters Computer Science at TU Delft, with a focus on Computer Graphics. In 2024, I have co-authored two peer reviewed papers. Links TBA.

I plan to graduate in 2025.

Professional Experience

Between 2020 and 2023, I was active at two different high schools as a tutor and homework assistant in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics for HAVO 5 and VWO 5 & 6. In 2023 I started working as a Student Assistant (SA) at TU Delft. I aided my professor in research specifically by continuing to develop the VR-Environment Holonomy I worked on during my bachelor thesis. In 2024 I additionally started as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for Computer Graphics Related Masters courses.


Other than programming, I love to spend my time playing piano and occasionally guitar, or producing and mixing music using a DAW. I also enjoy playing video games from time to time.